6) Uudenlainen politiikka / New kind of politics WelcomeElectionsCartoonsRecommendationsArticlesEventsDonateSuggestChange Language العربيةفارسیEnglishEspañolFrançaisKiswahiliSuomiSvenskaதமிழ் Why do we need a new kind of politics at the municipal level? We are living in the midst of a global eco-social crisis. Nature is under threat, and socio-economic inequality is rising. This global crisis also has measurable local impacts, and municipal politics cannot continue business as usual. We find ourselves in a situation where the distance between those in power, and those denied a voice is increasing. The old type of politics, where one side demands more resources, and the other side demands more budget cuts, is no solution to the inequality that is built into the very structure of the system that we currently have. A system that ignores different minorities, nature, and future generations. We need a new kind of system that is built around increasing well-being for everyone in a fair and just manner. Such a system cannot be built with current politics that focuses on resource management measures. We need a bold type of politics that looks towards the future and puts equality first! Where instead of empty promises and pointless improvements, we focus on respectfully listening to what people actually need, and finding ways to deliver well-being for the many, and not just the few. And when we say people here, we mean all the people. So dear friends, let’s vote in new and visionary candidates who can serve as a much needed bridge between regular city-dwellers and decision makers in the corridors of power. Candidates, who listen first, listen to the ignored, listen continuously, and discuss openly. So we can build a city that truly works for everyone, where nobody gets left behind. Together! Back to cartoons menu