What initiatives would I propose when I am elected? a.k.a Arvind’s dreams 1/20: Equality and non-discrimination unit
Free equality for all city dwellers! The city of Helsinki is one of Finland’s largest employers. Helsinki is also home to more than 12 % of Finland’s population. It is also one of the most diverse cities in the country.
In such a city, an outdated and passive way of ensuring equality and non-discrimination, for example by drawing up endless lists in the name of non-discrimination plans, is not enough. Instead, we need an active, expertise based and sensitive equality and non-discrimination programme!
The new equality and non-discrimination unit, which implements this programme, would be responsible for ensuring realisation of equality and non-discrimination in all of the city’s activities. It will do this by working closely with the highest levels of decision making in the city. This would include for example listening to employees, organising customised internal trainings based on observed needs and in general ensuring equality between city dwellers, neighbourhoods and in accessibility of spaces and services.
The new equality and non-discrimination unit would have easily accessible service points for both city employees and city dwellers. These service points can be contacted easily and conveniently not just with complaints, but also with ideas to improve equality and reduce discrimination!
Employees of the new unit would themselves be members of different minorities, who would have real influence and power to improve the city’s functioning at all levels from an equality and non-discrimination perspective.
But wouldn’t such a new unit just add bureaucracy? No, it would in fact add justice!