15) Arvind’s dreams 2/20: Culture vouchers for teenagers WelcomeElectionsCartoonsRecommendationsArticlesEventsDonateSuggestChange Language العربيةفارسیEnglishEspañolFrançaisKiswahiliSuomiSvenskaதமிழ் What initiatives would I propose when I am elected? a.k.a Arvind’s dreams 2/20 Culture vouchers for teenage city-dwellers! Helsinki is one of Finland’s most diverse cities. It is also home to a wide selection of cultural events. Many 13-17 year olds would like to attend these events. But the family’s financial situation, parent’s different interests etc. affect these choices. Culture vouchers provided by the city to all 13-17 year olds would be a step towards equality. In addition to the Finnish model for hobbies, where every youngster is entitled to participate in one hobby free of cost through their school, these vouchers would help youngsters get to know the world through culture! While giving youngsters an opportunity to enjoy cultural experiences together, this scheme would also support different actors in the culture fields. Vouchers for 100 € for example would be enough to attend around 10 events in a year. And each youngster can themselves decide which events to use them for! Sounds like an interesting idea, especially when the culture fields are suffering now, but wouldn’t this be too expensive? Not at all! There are around 33 000 city dwellers in this age group. So around four million euros would be enough. And the sum would go to supporting the culture field. While helping the entire city embrace diverse culture offerings. In other words, a win-win-win situation! Back to cartoons menu