Marginaaliasiat ja kuntapolitiikka / Marginal issues and municipal politics WelcomeElectionsCartoonsRecommendationsEventsDonateSuggestChange Language EnglishSuomi Marginal issues, municipal elections and completely clueless politicians. In municipal politics, decisions are made about issues that are important to people’s everyday lives. These include public services, social and healthcare facilities, culture and recreation, city planning, childcare and education. But many local politicians look at these important issues only from their narrow personal perspectives. Topics like nature conservation, accessibility, mental health services, early childhood education, and healthcare are often dismissed as too marginal to bother about. By doing so, the needs of minorities especially get ignored. In pushing aside these so called marginal issues in city council politics, we also end up continuously creating structures that cause the marginalisation. These structures are then used to even more easily forget the needs of city dwellers. This situation can be improved only by working harder to understand every city dweller’s life situation and needs. Because the current system works only for the few, and not for everyone! For this reason, we need municipal politics in which no issue is ignored because it is too “marginal”, and every need that city dwellers have is used to create a bridge towards a better life. So we can build welfare for everyone! Back to cartoons menu