Model country of gender equality! Is the argument true?
Finland is often referred to as a model country of gender equality, which other countries should learn from. But work towards achieving equality between all genders is still required here too!
Nobody says that one shouldn’t put out the fire when one’s own house is burning.
Why then are we so ready to accept gender inequality in Finland just because the situation is worse somewhere else?
From wage levels to education achievement, family life to public services, there is still a long road ahead before gender equality is achieved in Finnish society.
And each one of us, especially those of us who have privilege because of our gender, background, life situation, income level or other reason, should participate in promoting gender equality. So that nobody experiences structural barriers because of their gender!
We need more actions towards gender equality, that much is clear. But how does the Left Alliance help in this case? In many ways! Read for example the local election objectives by the Left Alliance Women organisation (Feministinen ote kuntapolitiikkaan, available in Finnish).
And remember to vote for leftist feminists to the city councils across Finland, for example by finding them from the Left Alliance candidates gallery! Looks like the Left Alliance has so many anti-capitalist, anti-racist and intersectional feminists. Indeed! Because a good life belongs to all, irrespective of the person’s gender!