4) En ole suomalainen / I am not a Finn WelcomeElectionsCartoonsRecommendationsArticlesEventsDonateSuggestChange Language العربيةفارسیEnglishEspañolFrançaisKiswahiliSuomiSvenskaதமிழ் I am not a Finn. But I live in Finland. And that is completely OK. Candidates like me are often expected to prove our Finnishness first, before being allowed to express our needs and opinions. I am running because I want to make my city better and more functional for everyone. And opinions of internationals like me matter, because Helsinki is home to 12% of Finland’s population, but more than one in four people with international background in Finland live here. A city that works for not just internationals, but also other minorities, is one that works for everyone. And it is my strong belief that no city-dweller must be left behind. So let’s worry less about what flag minorities relate to, and focus more on the work that needs to be done. Towards a friendlier and more equal city. Together! Back to cartoons menu