Arvind Ramachandran -sivustolle
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No city dweller left behind!

Towards equality between residents and neighbourhoods in Helsinki.

Helsinki is home to about 660 000 people. Many thousands more use it frequently to live, work, rest and play.

Almost one in six city dwellers has a first language other than Finnish or Swedish. One in ten is a citizen of another country.

These numbers only talk about diversity from a heritage perspective. If other characteristics, such as age, gender, sexuality, ability, social class and education level are taken into account, one can say that there are as many ways to be a Helsinkian as there are city dwellers themselves.

It is also obvious that no one person can understand each and every need, each and every dream of such a diverse population.

Which is why we need your help!

Please use the form below to share challenges, issues and ideas you would like Arvind and the campaign to consider and highlight.

You can write in English or Finnish. Your thoughts do not need to be fully developed. The most important thing is to get your views from your unique perspective heard.

Thank you for taking the time to make our city work for everyone, and not just a few.

Thank you for making sure no city dweller gets left behind!

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Thanks in advance and looking forward to working with you!

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